Crypto Security

As the cryptocurrency market matures, so does the need for better security solutions. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the need to protect crypto wallets from cybercriminals and ensure crypto exchange security.

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Protecting Crypto Assets

Traditional banks, financial institutions, investment or insurance companies and other organizations offer crypto custody services to safeguard their customers’ cryptocurrency assets. There are two types of crypto wallets for securely storing crypto assets: the hot and cold wallet. 

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The key difference between a hot wallet crypto and a crypto cold wallet is the connectivity.

A hot wallet, often held on a cryptocurrency exchange, is connected to the internet, whereas a cold wallet is not.

Because of this, a crypto cold wallet is considered to be the safer of the two options. However, a cold wallet doesn't offer the same flexibility, and is not ideal for quick or regular transactions. 


Traditionally, organisations offering crypto custodian services have stored wallets offline from the Internet in an air-gapped vault to protect them from attack.

The best solution is a hot wallet that can be protected from the internet. Some solutions use diodes to achieve this, in order to protect valuable keys from being stolen. However, diodes do not allow the 2-way communications required and ultimately do not defend against attacks concealed in data.


Hot wallets offer the best flexibility since they can be used immediately and so take advantage of exchange rate fluctuations and the need to access funds quickly but are open to attack from the connected networks.  Cold wallets offer the best security since they are disconnected from the Internet and so not open to attack but require time consuming procedures to gain access.


BLOG: Protecting Crypto Custodians

Crypto Security Solution for Maximum Protection

Built on a 20-year pedigree of defence-grade cybersecurity expertise, Threat Removal has been specifically designed for organisations like those offering cryptocurrency custody services and exchange applications. It enables organisations to implement a secure link across the air gap over which transaction data can flow between without risk of private key compromise. 

Deep Secure Threat Removal enables an HSM to be used to protect cryptocurrency assets whilst giving it online access for instant transactions.

Threat Removal uses hardware-based verification to ensure all interactions with the HSM are safe and do not contain malware designed to compromise the wallets.

Crypto Security Deployment

Deep Secure iX Appliance with High-Speed Verifier (HSV) deployed as a physical on-premise appliance constrains the interface to the HSM using verification in hardware logic to ensure the HSM only receives safe, valid data to prevent a malware attack


Threat Removal ensures the traffic flowing into an HSM does not contain any malware. The original data presented from an untrusted source is never delivered.


The information is extracted from it and used to create safe, new data to send to the HSM. The data is verified in hardware logic to ensure it is safe to deliver.


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Threat Removal ensures no malware reaches the HSM  

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Hardware only High-Speed Verifier removes reliance on software  
Supports standards based crypto transaction protocols including HTTPS, JSON & Protocol Buffers  
Scales out with additional iX appliances to meet demand  
Flexible license model - Perpetual, Term, Subscription   

Threat Removal For Crypto-Security
- High Speed Verifier

Deep Secure's High Speed Verifier (HSV) uses hardware logic (FPGAs) to verify the data passing across the air gap. As the HSV is hardware, it cannot be compromised by an attacker. 

Threat Removal For Crypto-Security
- Features & Benefits

Threat Removal for Crypto Security is a combined hardware and software solution, because of this it provides the following features and benefits:

Ease of Integration


Threat Removal for Crypto Security supports standard crypto transaction protocols so it can be dropped inline into the existing infrastructure without the need for costly development or re-design.

Designed in line with the UK National Cyber Security Centre's guidance on best practices for protecting high-risk systems and cryptocurrency exchange applications and networks. Deep Secure is actively working with banks and financial institutions to implement Threat Removal for Crypto Security, providing the most secure link imaginable.