Our unique Content Threat Removal platform
guarantees to make you unbreakable.

We’re so confident in our platform’s threat-removal capabilities, if you get a piece of infected content past us, we’ll give up to £10,000 to a nominated UK charity of your choice.


Bring with you a crack team…
...to put our software to the test, see our unbeatable platform in action, and discover how we can protect your business and make you 100% unbreakable.

We’re so sure we’re unbreakable…
...that if your infected content makes it past our software, we’ll give up to £10,000 to a nominated UK charity of your choice.

Accept the challenge

*Terms and conditions apply

Accept the Challenge

Please enter your details below so we can contact you to arrange your challenge.
By completing this form you will also get the FREE report on The Content Threat and how to deal with it